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The Go Process

Step 1: Speak with a pastor or spiritual mentor

In the process of discovery of God's plan for you to serve, it is important to seek out the wise counsel and advice of your pastor or a trusted mentor, in conjunction with your own emphasis on prayer.  This can also serve to establish the foundation of prayer, support and spiritual guidance that you will need when you are on the field. 

Step 2: Check out opportunities and qualifications

A wide variety of ministry opportunities are searchable right here online.  Take some time to browse these needs and learn about various ministry locations. An even better way for you to envision your fit is to take a trip. See it and feel it first-hand for a few days, a week, or more.  Search opportunities »

Step 3: Fill out a preliminary questionnaire

The "PQ" is a simple way for us to get to know each other a little bit.  It tells us some basic things about your background, your skills and your interests, and opens a door of dialog that allows us to explore ideas together.  It is not a formal application, so it does not obligate us to each other.  It just gets things started. Tell us about yourself »

Step 4: Complete an application

After discussion with the Camino Mobilization Team, and a sense of at least a general ministry fit and location, you will complete an application covering more details, including elements such as educational and ministry history, biographical essay, phone interviews, and a statement of vision.

Step 5: Get trained

Upon acceptance of your application, you will be invited to attend Candidate Assessment and Orientation in Dallas or Toronto.  The week is focused on developing a thorough understanding of the organizational culture, values and vision of Camino, and to affirm your ministry fit with the mission. The week is designed to culminate in your appointment as a member of Camino Global.

Additional pre-field training will take place at the Center for Intercultural Training in North Carolina, when you have reached at least 80% of your financial support level.

Step 6: GO!

The prayer and preparation will pay off.  It is time to go! You will not go alone!  You will have the backing of faithful financial and prayer partners, and will become part of a supportive ministry team when you arrive. 

Go: Find Your Fit

Did you know?
In Spanish, "Camino" means "journey, way or path."
Journey with spanish speakers. Transform the world.