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The Camino Global Impact Fund

Location: Global    
Start a Fundraising campaign
Project Goal $500,000
Amount Raised $65,628
Still Needed $434,372
13% 100%

A gift toward the Global Impact Fund will help Camino launch new transformation initiatives, improve services for our members, and significantly expand our global reach.


The Camino Global Impact Fund represents an investment in growth that supports the bold vision God has given Camino Global: Serving the Church, Camino Global will journey with Spanish speakers everywhere to transform communities, equip believers, and reach the world.

Your gift to the Camino Global Impact Fund...

  • has eternal impact!
  • will accelerate Camino's efforts to resource, equip and catalyze a missional movement globally.
  • will enable Camino to improve services for members and partners.
  • will help launch transformation initiatives on several current fields.
  • will help Camino launch a team this year to work among unreached muslims in the Philippines.
  • will significantly expand Camino's reach and impact among Hispanics in the United States.

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Journey with spanish speakers. Transform the world.