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Who We Are

Who We Are

Camino Global is on a shared journey of spiritual transformation with Spanish speakers everywhere, going direct for maximum impact. Our efforts are aimed at making disciples among Spanish-speakers globally. This disciple-making vision aims for nothing less than global transformation. The mission's distinctive context has been and will remain the Spanish-speaking world. But Spanish-speakers are no longer only the target of Camino’s regional ministry, they are also now our colleagues in global ministry. We are on a shared journey together.


The mission of Camino Global is to make disciples of Jesus Christ, serving among and with Spanish speakers globally.


Serving the Church, Camino Global will journey with Spanish speakers everywhere to transform communities, equip believers, and reach the world.



Core Values

These values are the DNA of Camino. They shape and inspire our vision.



Rom. 12:2; Phil. 2:5-8; Eph. 5:1-2

Christ-likeness is the life-long process of being transformed into the image of Christ for the glory of God and for the sake of others. We strive to imitate Christ’s humility, suffering, and self-sacrifice to serve others in all that we are and all that we do. The cornerstone of this process is dependence on God expressed through worship, prayer and meditating on His Word.



John 13:35; Rom. 12:10, 16; Eph. 5:21

Community is our commitment to authentic, loving relationships characterized by interdependence, generosity and submission to one another. Due to our relationship to Christ as the Head of the Church, we will connect with one another, love each other, and commit ourselves to unity amidst diversity.



John 17:22-23; Acts 16:5; Acts 1:8

Empowered by the Holy Spirit as Christ’s witnesses, we will globally connect with others, steward resources, and identify opportunities to advance the gospel together. In pursuit of a shared vision, we will proactively develop relationships with churches, organizations and believers of all ethnicities and nationalities.



Luke 10:25-37; James 2:15-17; Mic. 6:8

Our approach to the needs of a broken world will be holistic as a practical expression of discipleship. Compelled by the compassion of Christ, we will see and care for the needs of the whole person, loving unconditionally and giving of ourselves for others.



Gen. 1-2; 1 Cor. 12; Eph. 4:11-13

As a reflection of the image of God, creativity embraces the full spectrum of spiritual giftedness in the body of Christ. Built on a foundation of unchanging truth, we will constructively engage new ideas generated in an environment of innovation. We are committed to approach ministry challenges in new ways by exercising flexibility and considering risks, while stepping out in faith.

Go: Find Your Fit

Did you know?
In Spanish, "Camino" means "journey, way or path."
Journey with spanish speakers. Transform the world.