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Ignacio and Rachelle Cerda

Serving In: United States    


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Ignacio and Rachelle will serve in theological education and leadership development among Spanish-speakers in Spain.

Their vision is to equip and mentor godly servant-leaders at the International Faculty of Theology IBSTE in Barcelona. Additionally, they will be involved in leadership development in the local church, to promote church planting in unreached areas of Spain as a missional strategy.

Making disciples in Spain through theological education and leadership development

Ignacio and Rachelle met at Dallas Theological Seminary during the Fall semester of 2012. Both were from different cultural backgrounds, but they had an interest in missions and were seeking theological training to be better equipped to serve the body of Christ in the foreign mission field one day. Soon they realized that the Lord had a plan for their lives together, and so in May 2014, they united their lives in marriage and in ministry.

Since their vision trip to Barcelona, Spain, they saw with their own eyes the great need for Christian workers who will serve the church and make disciples among Spaniards. Spain is one of the darkest countries in the world since Evangelicals make up less than 1% of the population.

Rachelle is working on her MA in Cross-cultural Ministries, and Ignacio his Master of Theology with an emphasis in teaching in Christian institutions. Our desire is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus worldwide. 

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Journey with spanish speakers. Transform the world.