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By: Phil O'Day on: August 28, 2017
Story Type: News, Press Release    

Relief for South Texas - Hurricane Harvey

The need is urgent. You can help.

This page was published within days of the Hurricane's land fall.
It has been updated with new information.

Camino is directly involved in helping with relief in the aftermath of this tragedy. Your gift to the Emergency Relief Fund will help the mission respond with God's love and hope to the present and long-term needs related to this crisis.

Here are some of the details:

  • On Tuesday September 5th, Camino sent an Assessment Team to Katy, TX, just outside the city of Houston. Many families from two Hispanic churches with strong Camino connections in this area were impacted with significant flood-related losses and damage.
  • The Assessment team traveled to the Houston area with a truck and trailer loaded with relief and rebuilding supplies. This initial relief consisted of several pallets of water, 100 pairs of leather gloves, 125 dust/particle masks, and dozens of safety glasses, pry bars, shop vacs, utility knives, wallboard saws and square shovels.

More than a week after the Hurricane hit, so many people in this region of Texas are still in crisis mode. Please pray for safety for those who are struggling, and for those providing assistance.
69% of south Texas and approximately 40% of the Houston area is Hispanic.

Your support makes it possible to reach these Spanish speakers with the love of Christ in difficult times. We'd be grateful for any gift you're led to give today to support these relief efforts.

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