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Hispanic USA

Capital: Washington DC
Population: 317.6 million
Percentage Evangelical: 28.9%
Year Camino Ministry Began: 1982

Today, the Hispanic population is growing eight times faster than the non-Hispanic population in the U.S. In 2000, the Census Bureau reported that more than 35 million Hispanics reside in the U.S. The 2010 census reported 50.5 million, with at least 20 million from Mexico alone.

One out of every eight people in the U.S. is Hispanic, yet less than five percent of this population claim to be evangelical. Missions can no longer be viewed as valid only when serving overseas—it is now across the street. God has indeed brought the mission field to us. Camino’s strategic vision for Hispanic USA is to reach Hispanics for Christ, disciple them for leadership, establish Bible-believing churches, and mobilize Spanish-speaking churches in the U.S. to become a global missions force.

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