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As president, Douglas is focused on defining and communicating the vision of Camino Global as well as leading the mission in fulfilling faithfully that vision. Also, he is responsible for working out synergistic partnerships and securing the necessary resources for Camino Global accomplish our vision.


Douglas and Gloria have been with Camino Global since 1994. Douglas's parents served with Camino Global for 36 years, beginning in 1962. Gloria came to Christ at a Camino-related church in her home country of El Salvador. They were married in 1991 and have two children, Victor Alan (19) and Mary Andrea (17).

Douglas served as a pastor in Honduras from 1986-1992, and in Dry Creek, Louisiana from 1993-1994. They led a church-planting team from Central America to Albania for 13 years. As part of the teams church-planting effort they were involved in community development, had a community center and a wide variety of other initiatives. They began serving at Camino Global Dallas in 2010 where Douglas has led our initiatives with Latin missions.

Journey with spanish speakers. Transform the world.