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Tony and Brenda's main focus is to train and mobilize the Spanish speaking church to reach unreached people groups. This involves working with local pastors, candidates, sending agencies and people on the field, as well as helping to provide the best training for Latin American workers going to the least reached people groups.

Mobilization and Training: Spanish speaking church worldwide

Tony was born and raised in El Salvador. Brenda was born and raised in Guatemala. Tony and Brenda have three children: Jonathan, Debora, and David.

Tony and Brenda have served the Lord in El Salvador, Spain, USA, and beyond. At this moment, the Vasquezes are involved in training and mobilization of the Spanish speaking church worldwide to reach the unreached people groups. Their base in Kansas City, MO.  

Pray with them as they work with local pastors, candidates, sending agencies and provide the best training for Latin American workers going to the least reached people groups.

Journey with spanish speakers. Transform the world.